Burmaka Ivan Anatoliyovych

Lecturer at the Department of Information Technology and Software Engineering.

Burmaka Ivan Anatoliyovych

[email protected]



(093) 025-32-46, campus 45, room 55

General information. Education

In 2018 he graduated from the Chernihiv National University of Technology, specialty 121 “Engineering Software". He is studying for a postgraduate degree majoring in computer science. Theme of dissertation research is “Information technology for protection of SOHO and SMB networks from Blockchain-based intrusions and attacks".

List of disciplines


  1. Operating systems part 1 for first year students specialty 121 Software Engineering.
  2. Operating systems part 2 for 2nd year students specialty 121 Software Engineering.
  3. System programming and OS administration for students 3- th course of specialty 121 Software Engineering.
  4. Computer network architecture for third year students specialty 121 Software Engineering.
  5. Systems protection of computer networks for students of the 4th course of specialty 121 Software Engineering.

Areas of scientific activity

  1. Network protection and blockchain technology


  1. Burmaka, I., Stoianov, N., Lytvynov, V., Dorosh, M., & Lytvyn, S. (2020, June). Proof of Stake for Blockchain Based Distributed Intrusion Detecting System. In International scientific-practical conference (pp. 237-247). Springer, Cham.
  2. Burmaka, I. A., Lytvynov, V. V., Skiter, I. S., & Lytvyn, S. V. (2020). Evaluating a blockchain-based network performance for the intrusion detection system. Математические машины и системы, (1), 99-109.
  3. Burmaka, I., Zlobin, S., Lytvyn, S., & Nekhai, V. (2019, June). Detecting Flood Attacks and Abnormal System Usage with Artificial Immune System. In International scientific-practical conference (pp. 131-143). Springer, Cham.
  4. Skiter, I., Burmaka, I., & Sigayov, A. (2020). Design of Technical Methods for Analysing Network Security Based on Identification of Network Traffic Anomalies. Information & Security, 47(3), 306-316.
  5. Burmaka, I. Consensus Algorithm Comparison for Blockchain Based Intrusion Detecting System. Редакційна колегія, 6.
    http://bit.nau.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Tezy-I- International_A5.pdf#page=6

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