Project number: А314J.620000
Project validity period: 27.01.2017-25.12.2018
Project working groupin ChNTU :
Chief - Litvinov Vitaly Vasilyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the USSR State Prize and the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, a full member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Software Engineering.
Participants :
- Skiter IS, Ph.D., Associate Professor (performer of the section).
- Belous IV, Ph.D. Associate Professor (performer of the section).
- Grebennyk AG, senior lecturer (performer of the section).
- Nekhay VV, assistant (performer of the section).
- Podoroga VS, student (performer).
- Bendyk AV, student (performer).
Project number: 0119U000058т
Project validity period: 28.12.2018-16.04.2019
Project working group in ChNTU :
Chief - Litvinov Vitaly Vasilyevich,Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the USSR State Prize and the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, a full member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Software Engineering.
- Skiter I S, Ph.D., Associate Professor (performer of the section).
- Dorosh M S, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (performer of the section).
- Grebennyk A G, senior lecturer (performer of the section).
- Nekhay V V, assistant (performer of the section).
- Burmaka IA, assistant (performer of the section).
- Voytsekhovska MM, (performer of the section).
Project number: 011U000042gc
Project validity period: 01.11.2018-31.07.2019
Project working group in ChNTU :
Chief - Litvinov Vitaly Vasilyevich,Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the USSR State Prize and the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, a full member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Software Engineering.
- Zadorozhny AV, Ph.D., Associate Professor (executor of the section).
- Anton Iskryzhytsky, student (performer).
- Tarasov Alexander, student(performer).
- Ulizko Serhiy, student (performer).
- Veremiy Zakhar, student (performer).
- Ludanik Roman, student (performer).