Modern technologies for creating an automated radiation intelligence system using remotely controlled
means taking into account NATO standards

The purpose of the project: development of a prototype of the Automated System
for the Assessment of the Radiation Situation in the areas where the Armed Forces
of Ukraine are located and the information and analytical support of the military
administration bodies for the development of recommendations regarding appropriate
measures to protect personnel and options for the actions of units (subunits) in
conditions of radiation contamination.

Project number: 0124U002861
The term of the project: 01.2024 – 12.2024 (1 phase)
The Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the Ukraine National Academy of Science (IMMSP NASU)
Head of project:
Hrechaninov Viktor Fedorovych (Candidate of Technical Science, S.R.O., S.R.)
Project working group in Chernihiv Polytechnic National University:
Trunova O.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor
Dorosh M.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (executive)
Bilous I.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor (executive)
